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Activate your payroll in 3 steps

Discover everything about the Payflip payroll module. How do we communicate choices to your payroll partner? How do you activate the module.

Max Vranken avatar
Written by Max Vranken
Updated over 4 months ago

What does the payroll module do exactly?

Every month, Payflip generates a payroll file (including wage codes) and sends it to your payroll partner if desired. πŸ“«

Which choices are eligible?

  • All choices approved by you as HR admin before the payroll deadline
    ​You choose this deadline yourself.

  • Choices impacting the payslips of that month. Not all benefits have a monthly payroll impact (e.g., bike lease).

    • Choices are typically communicated once, in the month of approval.

    • Only for SD Worx do we communicate choices every month throughout the entire duration.

Example - PC

This choice triggers a benefit in kind of 6 EUR/month for a duration of 36 months. This info is included in the payroll file.

For SD Worx, we repeat this choice for 36 months in our payroll file.

For all other payroll providers, a one-time communication to your payroll provider suffices.

πŸ‘€ Find a handy overview of payroll processing per benefit here!

Activating Payroll

Multiple entities? Go through steps 1 and 2 per entity.

1. Complete the payroll settings and activate your payroll

1. Payroll partner

This is your social secretariat.

Select 'general' unless you're a client of Acerta or SD Worx. If you're a Liantis client, also select 'general'.

For Acerta and SD Worx clients, the payroll file is formatted differently, select the appropriate payroll partner.

2. Payroll deadline

Every month, we'll generate and send payroll files on this day to the email addresses you add in the payroll settings.

We recommend taking some margin (2 or 3 days) between the Payflip payroll deadline and the actual deadline at your payroll partner. This gives you and your social secretariat sufficient time to process wages.

If an employee makes a choice after the deadline, it will be included in the next payroll processing.

3. Organization Payroll ID

This is the ID your payroll partner assigns to your organization.

If you don't have one, simply enter '/'.

⚠️ Mandatory for SD clients

4. Automatic sending

Only enable this in the launch month if you prefer not to receive emails beforehand. When enabled, we'll automatically send the payroll file to the specified email addresses under 'Email contact person' every month.

5. Add payroll contact persons

You can add multiple email addresses here. Payflip ensures the payroll file reaches the right inboxes monthly.

Add at least one HR team member and your payroll provider's file manager if desired.

6. Click 'Save changes'

⚠️ Saving changes = Activating payroll

When you save your changes, you'll see the screen below.

Select the first option and activate your payroll. The first payroll file will be generated on your next payroll deadline. πŸ₯³

2. Request wage codes

Contact your payroll provider to request the necessary wage codes. The template email below contains all the required info. Easy.

⚠️ Remove information about budgets & benefits that don't apply to your flexible remuneration plan.

Template email EN - SD Worx

Hello πŸ‘‹πŸ»

We will soon be offering a flexible reward plan to our employees through Payflip. They will have the opportunity to exchange part of their salary package for extra-legal benefits each year.

How will the communication about this proceed?

Every month, Payflip will provide us with a file containing the choices made that require processing in the payroll. We will upload this file to the SD Worx payroll tool.

At the end of the year, we will provide you with the final settlement of the various budgets. This information can then be processed along with the December wages.

What information do we need for this?

  1. We would need to know which wage codes can be included in the payroll files for the following benefits:

  • Smartphone:

    • Monthly benefit in kind worth 3 EUR

    • Both employee social security contributions and withholding tax are calculated on this

    • Payflip communicates the monthly benefit in kind (3), this does not refer to the number of devices

  • Tablet:

    • Monthly benefit in kind worth 3 EUR

    • Both employee social security contributions and withholding tax are calculated on this

    • Payflip communicates the monthly benefit in kind (3), this does not refer to the number of devices

  • PC:

    • Monthly benefit in kind worth 6 EUR

    • Both employee social security contributions and withholding tax are calculated on this

    • Payflip communicates the monthly benefit in kind (6), this does not refer to the number of devices!

  • Internet:

    • Monthly benefit in kind worth 5 EUR

    • Both employee social security contributions and withholding tax are calculated on this

  • Smartwatch:

    • One-time benefit in kind worth 50% of the actual value of the device

    • Both employee social security contributions and withholding tax are calculated on this

  • Reimbursement of individual pension savings:

    • Payment of gross amount

    • Only withholding tax is calculated on this, no employee social security contributions

  • Reimbursement of childcare costs:

    • Payment of gross amount

    • Only withholding tax is calculated on this, no employee social security contributions

  • Office equipment:

    • One-time benefit in kind worth the actual value of the material

    • Only employee social security contributions are calculated on this, no withholding tax

  • Reimbursements under pillar 2 mobility budget:

    • Payment of net amount

    • No employee social security contributions or withholding tax are calculated on this

Additionally, we would need to know which wage codes can be included in the payroll files for the following budgets:

  • Deduction end-of-year premium: Deduction of an amount from the gross end-of-year premium equal to the benefits chosen with this budget

  • Payment (balance) cash bonus: Payment of gross amount - both employee social security contributions and withholding tax are calculated on this

  • Payment of balance of pillar 3 mobility budget: Payment of gross amount - a special employee contribution of 38.07% applies to this

Can you make sure that all these wage codes are activated for our file?

2. Can you tell us what percentage of employer social security contributions applies to our company?

Thank you in advance for providing us with the necessary feedback!

Template email EN - Acerta/General

Hello πŸ‘‹πŸ»

We will soon be offering a flexible reward plan to our employees through Payflip. They will have the opportunity to exchange part of their salary package for extra-legal benefits each year.

How will the communication about this proceed?

Every month, Payflip will provide us with a file containing the choices made that require processing in the payroll. We will upload this file or it's content in the payroll tool.

At the end of the year, we will provide you with the final settlement of the various budgets. This information can then be processed along with the December wages.

What information do we need for this?

  1. We would need to know which wage codes can be included in the payroll files for the following benefits:

  • Smartphone:

    • Monthly benefit in kind worth 3 EUR

    • Both employee social security contributions and withholding tax are calculated on this

  • Tablet:

    • Monthly benefit in kind worth 3 EUR

    • Both employee social security contributions and withholding tax are calculated on this

  • PC:

    • Monthly benefit in kind worth 6 EUR

    • Both employee social security contributions and withholding tax are calculated on this

  • Internet:

    • Monthly benefit in kind worth 5 EUR

    • Both employee social security contributions and withholding tax are calculated on this

  • Smartwatch:

    • One-time benefit in kind worth 50% of the actual value of the device

    • Both employee social security contributions and withholding tax are calculated on this

  • Reimbursement of individual pension savings:

    • Payment of gross amount

    • Only withholding tax is calculated on this, no employee social security contributions

  • Reimbursement of childcare costs:

    • Payment of gross amount

    • Only withholding tax is calculated on this, no employee social security contributions

  • Office equipment:

    • One-time benefit in kind worth the actual value of the material

    • Only employee social security contributions are calculated on this, no withholding tax

  • Reimbursements under pillar 2 mobility budget:

    • Payment of net amount

    • No employee social security contributions or withholding tax are calculated on this

Additionally, we would need to know which wage codes can be included in the payroll files for the following budgets:

  • Deduction end-of-year premium: Deduction of an amount from the gross end-of-year premium equal to the benefits chosen with this budget

  • Payment (balance) cash bonus: Payment of gross amount - both employee social security contributions and withholding tax are calculated on this

  • Payment of balance of pillar 3 mobility budget: Payment of gross amount - a special employee contribution of 38.07% applies to this

Can you make sure that all these wage codes are activated for our file?

2. Can you tell us what percentage of employer social security contributions applies to our company?

Thank you in advance for providing us with the necessary feedback!

3. Enter the wage codes

Fill in the wage codes per benefit and per budget. Don't forget to save your changes!

These product codes trigger specific processing on the payslip and are linked to a specific benefit.

We also need a wage code for budgets as we communicate payments and deductions via payroll files. πŸ‘‡

  • Bonuses can be paid out monthly at the employee's request.

  • For the mobility budget, we pay out the remaining budget annually in pillar 3.

  • At year-end, we communicate via a separate payroll file how much should be deducted from the gross end-of-year premium.

Monthly processing

You can download the payroll file from Payflip at any time, or have it emailed to you (and other contacts) every month.

SD Worx client

Acerta client

Other payroll provider

Each month, upload the payroll file (including applicable wage codes) in the My SD Worx payroll tool.

If you use Acerta Connect, upload this file in the 'divergent wages'.

If you don't use Acerta Connect, you can upload this file in your payroll system.

Payflip Overview

Access all your monthly and annual payroll files by downloading them.

You can always see when the next report will be generated.

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